May 8, 2009

Fiesta Friday

Well there really is no actual fiesta but I am actually doing things tonight.   While I usually would sit in Barnes and Noble and find ten books I want or go to the movies with Colton (which is usually the highlight of my weekend, how lame, i know) I will be doing not one, not two, but THREE things tonight. My roommate, Jolie's, birthday is today and her family, who I absolutely adore, is coming into town to celebrate.  Also my good friend Sarah is having her going away party which although sad for us is amazing for her.  She will be graduating soon and moving to St. Louis for 2 years, teaching at an elementary schoool for Teach for America.  I am so excited for her.  Therefore I had planned (emphasis on planned) on trying to bake a little something for both of these occasions.  I wanted to try to make the almond-berry coffee cake from Posie Gets Cozy.  I have saved this recipe for a long time now just waiting for the perfect time to make it, which will now be even longer. so sad. 

But the reason I will not be baking this bunt cake of amazingness tonight is because I got a ticket to sit with Jolie's family at the A&M vs. UT Baseball game.  Note that both of my roommates are Diamond Darlings (I guess bat girls) for the A&M Baseball team and I have NEVER been to a single game, so I guess its about that time.  So here I am off to my night of many events. 

1 comment:

Plush Palate said...

That looks so delicious!