May 12, 2009

Can't hardly wait

Well here is another picture of the type of dog I want.  I can't hardly what to get my little one anymore.  I can't seem to think of anything other than this.  (Which is really unfortunate since I had a math final exam this morning) But at the moment I am in the process of packing up my whole room to move back home for the summer.  Packing up is always so hard and weird, I mean this will be my 8th move as a college student.  Wow that is alot, but I guess I have a justified reason for most of them. Moving just shows me how much I will appreciate my home one of these days.  A home of my own that I can come home to and know that it isn't temporary. But I guess my break for packing up/cleaning is over so I better go back to work. 

1 comment:

Abhishek said...

Best of luck 4 exam